Allied Academies

Cardiovascular diseases

Cardiovascular diseases

Over the respective years, a significant amount of cardiac surgery conditions has been learned about the determinants of cardiovascular diseases as well as how to bring down CVD incidence and death rate. The death rate proportion of cardiac surgery in CVD (30%) is equivalent to that due to contagious diseases, nutritional adequacy, and maternal and perinatal conditions combined. Cardiovascular diseases are the set of disorders of heart and blood vessels. A cardiac attack or stroke may be the first warning of the underlying disease. Pain in the center of the chest and discomfort in the left shoulder, arms, elbows, jaw, and back are the symptoms of the heart attack whereas the symptoms of the cardiac stroke are the sudden weakness in the face, arm and the leg, most often on the one side of the body. The goals of the plan are increasing awareness of the problem of CVD, Creating a surrounding that supports and maintain health, encouraging personal and public responsibility for good wellness.
Coronary heart diseases
Cardiac arrest
High blood pressure
Congenital heart failure
Peripheral heart disease
Carotid artery disease

  • Coronary heart diseases
  • Cardiac arrest
  • High blood pressure
  • Congenital heart failure
  • Peripheral heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Carotid artery disease
  • Cardiovascular disease global health
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