Allied Academies

Current Research in Cardiology

Current Research in Cardiology

All specialties have seen better results as a result of research advancements, but cardiology has advanced at an unprecedented rate. Additionally, as the number of people with cardiac diseases continues to rise and public awareness has grown, so have patients' expectations for new treatments and technologies.

This new age in cardiology is reflected in Future Cardiology, which also emphasizes the new molecular strategy for developing cardiovascular medicine. The important technological developments in bioengineering for cardiology will also be covered, including concerns with sophisticated and reliable equipment, miniaturization, imaging, system modeling, and information management. In order to enhance the value of the information to the reader, we also use a novel approach to how it is organized and presented. In a therapeutic community that is more time-constrained, readily available forms are crucial.

  • Stem Cell Research on Cardiology
  • Development of pace making and Cardiac Conduction System Lineages
  • Role of platelets and antiplatelet therapy in cardiovascular disease
  • Molecular Targets of Antihypertensive Drug Therapy
  • Cardiovascular Toxicology and Pharmacology
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