Allied Academies

Dr. Mohd. Shahbaaz Khan

Dr. Mohd. Shahbaaz Khan
Senior Clinical Fellow
University of London, United Kingdom

Progressive and dedicated medical professional operated on more than 3000 cases (adults and pediatrics cardiac surgery) having valvular heart diseases, CAD, congenital heart diseases, thoracic and vascular cases. Currently, he is working as a Senior Clinical Fellow (Cardiothoracic Surgery) at Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College Hospital NHS Trust London, UK. Previously he had worked at the highly reputed University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK (from 01 April 2020 till 07 December 2021) and King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from 26 May 2015 to 31 March 2020 in Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Before that, he was a Paediatrics Cardiac Surgeon at Fortis Escort Heart Institute, New Delhi. He has done ASD, VSD, Glenn shunts, BT shunts, TAPVC, PAPVC, and TOF and assisted in AV canal defects, TGA, CCTGA, Ebstein anomaly, ALCAPA, Fontan’s procedure, Rastelli’s procedure, Truncus arteriosus, Interrupted aortic arch, etc. He has contributed well under the guidance of senior surgeons and managed both outdoor and indoor patients, taking care of all ward patients preoperative and post-operative, ICU patients, assisted in major cardiothoracic surgeries such as MIDCAB, HEART PORT, Bentall's procedure, Aortic aneurysmal surgeries, Dissection of aorta repair, TAVI, ECMO supports, etc.   

Research Interest

Cardiothoracic Surgery

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